Takuji Aduchi Bio
I obtained Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin developing single-molecule spectroscopy in the field of conjugated polymers (2012). After a year of postdoc at the University of Regensburg working on a similar research topic, I joined Molecular Design Institute (MDI) at New York University as a JSPS postdoc fellow in 2014. I worked on hydrogen-bonded host frameworks and the self-assembly of microswimmers. While at NYU, I also got married to a French lady, we got a baby, etc.... then we moved to France. I found another postdoc position at Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) at the University of Strasbourg, where I developed wall-less fluidic devices. Since 2019, I am an assistant professor at the University of Geneva. I would like to bring optical spectroscopy into the field of crystallization with its full potential. My stay at MDI inspired me in many ways, which led to many projects that I am currently working on using optical spectroscopy.